Breathe in…
Now again.
Have you noticed
how it’s become a challenge?
The simple exercise of breathing deeply?
Just taking life in?
Does it feel impossible to be present to this moment?
With thoughts of comparison, “what ifs” or “shoulds” constantly snatching your attention?
When your stomach is knotted up and your muscles are cinched in tight, breathing fully and freely may feel like a luxury from days gone by.
You’re used to handling a lot
Excelling a lot.
Even handling a lot for others.
But lately it feels like too much.
This isn’t how you’re used to operating.
Always preoccupied with
worries you want to let go of.
And the pressure starts to build again…
“I shouldn’t be feeling this way.”
“Why can’t I just let it go?”
“Why does their life seem so much easier?”
“I didn’t think this is how it would be.”
Something inside you knows you were created for more.
Good news. You’re right where you need to be.
Therapy can help.
All of us go through times in our lives where we can benefit from the support and guidance of a trained professional. Whether it’s
- an ongoing relational difficulty,
- the loss of someone or something significant,
- wounds from the past,
- difficulty coping with anxious feelings,
- or a transitional phase,
having a compassionate and caring counselor with whom to face and sort through these experiences can be a source of tremendous hope and healing. A time of crisis can turn into an opportunity for significant growth when we allow ourselves to engage the process.
Making the choice to reach out demonstrates great courage. A level of maturity is also displayed as you acknowledge limitations that come along with being human and the real need to share burdens with others.

Hi, I’m Darci
I am passionate about creating a safe, collaborative relationship with my clients that enables them to face and sort through the difficult things they are experiencing. As a fellow journeyer, my role is “a guide on the side” not “a sage on the stage.”
In our work together, you will feel heard, valued and understood. Recognizing that everyone’s journey through life is complex and every person is unique, I seek to meet you at your point of need. We’ll identify and build on your unique strengths and capabilities. Our work together will help you become empowered to take practical steps forward, so you experience more of the life you were made for.

Breathing thing?
Well, you will become more
to those habits
That help you
SAVOR the moments
the Rest